DSI’s objective is to look at each client’s situation and make use of decades of experience in disaster recovery and allied fields, to develop and implement unique and effective systems and solutions that not only help rebuild facilities, communities and cities, but also help build and strengthen our clients’ resilience.
- DSI’s clients are private nonprofit organizations, local governments, state agencies, and federal departments, both domestic and international.
- DSI provides expert guidance by experienced professionals well-versed in the federal public assistance (FEMA PA) and state disaster assistance programs. Our people look for better ways to help our clients recover and grow in their ability to withstand disasters.
- DSI participates in every part of federal and state disaster assistance – from preparing applications, organizing kick-off meetings, formulating projects, and developing Project Worksheets all the way through final closeout.
- DSI has expertise in handling program appeals at both the state and federal levels. Our intention is to help you maximize the federal and state disaster assistance funding that you receive and keep.
- DSI provides school districts with free professional development workshops for their educators, framing them in the context of community resilience and essential lifelines. DSI also provides NGSS/CC-aligned science lessons for middle and high schools. Workshop lessons are funded by corporate sponsors.